Current OSS Discovery Fingerprints

OSS Discovery uses fingerprints to identify each open source package. OSS Discovery needs an extensive fingerprint library in order to identify the broadest possible set of open source packages for The Open Source Census. A fingerprint (also called a project rule) is made up of a set of criteria that can uniquely identify a particular open source software package. This is a list of the packages for which we already have rules written.If you're interested in writing new rules, see the OSS Discovery Developer Guide.

Currently there are over 1100 unique fingerprint rules for OSS Discovery. There are two types of rules that come with the product: Hand-Written Fingerprint Rules (main project rules) and Programmatically-Generated Rules Based on Maven1 and Maven2 Repositories at Ibiblio (Maven project rules). There are some duplicate rules due to improvements made by hand-writing specific rules. The following table is a listing of all rules and their type.

# All Rules Main Maven
1 a2j X
2 abbot X
3 acegi X
4 acegi-security X X
5 acegi-security-cas X
6 acegi-security-catalina X
7 acegi-security-catalina-common X
8 acegi-security-catalina-server X
9 acegi-security-jboss X
10 acegi-security-jboss-lib X
11 acegi-security-jetty X
12 acegi-security-jetty-ext X
13 acegi-security-resin X
14 acegi-security-resin-lib X
15 acegi-security-taglib X
16 acegi-security-tiger X
17 acrobat X
18 activation X
19 activecluster X
20 activeio X
21 activemq X
22 activesoap X
23 adarwin X
24 aelfred X
25 aislib X
26 ajax4jsf X
27 ajaxanywhere X
28 ajaxtags X
29 altrmi X
30 analog X
31 andromda X X
32 annogen X
33 ant X
34 ant-contrib X
35 ant-doxygen X
36 antelope X
37 antenna X
38 antlr X X
39 anttex X
40 aopalliance X
41 apache X
42 apache-jaxme X
43 apache-ode X
44 apache-soap X
45 apt-jelly X
46 aptconvert X
47 arat X
48 arm_4_0 X
49 ashkay X
50 ashkelon X
51 ashwood X
52 asm X
53 aspectj X
54 aspectwerkz X
55 asteriskjava X
56 aurigadoc X
57 avalon X
58 avalon-activation X
59 avalon-apps X
60 avalon-composition X
61 avalon-cornerstone X
62 avalon-extension X
63 avalon-framework X
64 avalon-http X
65 avalon-logging X
66 avalon-logkit X
67 avalon-meta X
68 avalon-phoenix X
69 avalon-repository X
70 avalon-util X
71 axiom X
72 axiom-api X
73 axiom-dom X
74 axiom-impl X
75 axion X
76 axis X
77 axis2 X
78 backport-util-concurrent X
79 backport175 X
80 base X
81 bash X
82 batik X X
83 bayeux X
84 bcel X
85 beanlib X
86 beanshell X X
87 beanshell-bsf X
88 beehive X
89 berkano X
90 berkeleydb X
91 bison X
92 blat X
93 blissed X
94 blogger-api-client X
95 bluecove X
96 bouncycastle X
97 bouncycastle-crypto X
98 boxstuff X
99 bridges X
100 bsf X
101 bsh X
102 bugzilla X
103 burlap X
104 busybox X
105 c3p0 X
106 cacti X
107 cactus X
108 cactus12 X
109 cactus13 X
110 camel X
111 captcha X
112 cargo X
113 carol X
114 cas X
115 castle X
116 castor X
117 cayenne X
118 cewolf X
119 cglib X
120 ch X
121 ch.ethz.ganymed X
122 charlotte X
123 checkstyle X
124 cigi-ccl X
125 cigi-ccl_dll X
126 cigi-mpv X
127 classworlds X
128 cleanimports X
129 click X
130 clickstream X
131 clirr X
132 clover X
133 cobertura X X
134 coconut X
135 cocoon X X
136 code316 X
137 cojen X
138 collections X
139 colt X
140 common X
141 commons-attributes X X
142 commons-beanutils X X
143 commons-betwixt X X
144 commons-chain X X
145 commons-cli X X
146 commons-codec X X
147 commons-collections X X
148 commons-compress X
149 commons-configuration X X
150 commons-daemon X
151 commons-dbcp X X
152 commons-dbutils X X
153 commons-digester X X
154 commons-discovery X X
155 commons-el X X
156 commons-email X X
157 commons-fileupload X X
158 commons-grant X
159 commons-graph X
160 commons-http X
161 commons-httpclient X X
162 commons-i18n X
163 commons-io X X
164 commons-jci X
165 commons-jelly X X
166 commons-jexl X X
167 commons-jux X
168 commons-jxpath X X
169 commons-lang X X
170 commons-launcher X
171 commons-logging X X
172 commons-math X X
173 commons-messenger X
174 commons-modeler X X
175 commons-naming X
176 commons-net X X
177 commons-pool X X
178 commons-primitives X X
179 commons-proxy X
180 commons-scxml X X
181 commons-sql X
182 commons-threadpool X
183 commons-transaction X X
184 commons-util X
185 commons-validator X X
186 commons-vfs X X
187 commons-xo X
188 concurrent X
189 config X
190 continuum X
191 controlhaus X
192 cornerstone-connection X
193 cornerstone-datasources X
194 cornerstone-scheduler X
195 cornerstone-sockets X
196 cornerstone-store X
197 cornerstone-threads X
198 cos X
199 cpd X
200 crimson X
201 crossdb X
202 cruisecontrol X X
203 cryptix X
204 csvjdbc X
205 curl X
206 custom_rhino X
207 cvs X
208 cvslib X
209 d-haven-event X
210 d-haven-eventbus X
211 d-haven-mpool X
212 daisy X
213 databinder X
214 datasift X
215 datecalc X
216 db2xml X
217 dbunit X X
218 decorutils X
219 dentaku X
220 derby X X
221 directory X
222 directory-asn1 X
223 directory-naming X
224 directory-network X
225 directory-shared X
226 discovery X
227 displaytag X
228 dna X
229 dns-java X
230 dnsjava X
231 docbook-xml X
232 doccheck X
233 dojo-charting X
234 dojo-toolkit X
235 dojoz X X
236 dom4j X
237 doxia X
238 doxygen X
239 dozer X
240 drone X
241 drools X X
242 drools-examples X
243 drupal X
244 dsh-vocabulary X
245 dtddoc X
246 dtdparser X
247 dumbster X X
248 dwr X X
249 dynaop X
250 dynpageplus X X
251 easyconf X
252 easyio X
253 easymock X X
254 easymock-propertyutils X
255 echo X
256 echo2-app X
257 eclipse X
258 eclipse-emf X
259 eclipse-jdt X
260 eclipse-wtp X
261 eclipse-xsd X
262 eclipseplugin-ajdt X
263 eclipseplugin-amateras X
264 eclipseplugin-birt X
265 eclipseplugin-cdt X
266 eclipseplugin-checkstyle X
267 eclipseplugin-coloreditor X
268 eclipseplugin-dtp X
269 eclipseplugin-eclipse_tools X
270 eclipseplugin-eclipsetidy X
271 eclipseplugin-ecore.sdo X
272 eclipseplugin-emf X
273 eclipseplugin-gef X
274 eclipseplugin-gmf X
275 eclipseplugin-grayskylogwatcher X
276 eclipseplugin-hibernatetools X
277 eclipseplugin-javasvn X
278 eclipseplugin-jbossaop X
279 eclipseplugin-jbosside X
280 eclipseplugin-jbossideejb3aop X
281 eclipseplugin-jbpm X
282 eclipseplugin-jem X
283 eclipseplugin-jettylauncher X
284 eclipseplugin-mddi X
285 eclipseplugin-mevenide X
286 eclipseplugin-pde X
287 eclipseplugin-quantum X
288 eclipseplugin-quickrex X
289 eclipseplugin-spellchecker X
290 eclipseplugin-spindle X
291 eclipseplugin-springide X
292 eclipseplugin-stp X
293 eclipseplugin-strutsbox X
294 eclipseplugin-subclipse X
295 eclipseplugin-tptp X
296 eclipseplugin-uml2 X
297 eclipseplugin-visualeditor X
298 eclipseplugin-vssplugin X
299 eclipseplugin-web-tools-editors X
300 eclipseplugin-wtp X
301 eclipseplugin-wtp-database X
302 eclipseplugin-wtp-j2ee X
303 eclipseplugin-xsd X
304 ecs X
305 edenlib X
306 edtftp X
307 edtftpj X X
308 ehcache X
309 emberio X
310 emma X X
311 evaserver X
312 excalibur X X
313 excalibur-altrmi X
314 excalibur-cli X
315 excalibur-collections X
316 excalibur-component X
317 excalibur-component-examples X
318 excalibur-component-tests X
319 excalibur-concurrent X
320 excalibur-configuration X
321 excalibur-containerkit X
322 excalibur-datasource X
323 excalibur-event X
324 excalibur-extension X
325 excalibur-fortress X
326 excalibur-i18n X
327 excalibur-instrument X
328 excalibur-instrument-manager X
329 excalibur-instrument-manager-interfaces X
330 excalibur-io X
331 excalibur-lifecycle X
332 excalibur-logger X
333 excalibur-monitor X
334 excalibur-mpool X
335 excalibur-naming X
336 excalibur-pool X
337 excalibur-sourceresolve X
338 excalibur-store X
339 excalibur-thread X
340 excalibur-util X
341 excalibur-xmlutil X
342 exist X
343 exml X
344 exo X
345 exolabcore X
346 expat X
347 exteca X
348 extend X
349 extremecomponents X
350 ezmorph X
351 falcon X
352 fast-md5 X
353 fastutil X
354 fckeditor X
355 fckez X
356 fesi X
357 filters X
358 findbugs X
359 firefox X
360 fit X
361 fitnesse X X
362 flox X
363 fltk X
364 flux X
365 fontbox X
366 fop X X
367 forehead X
368 formproc X
369 foxtrot X X
370 freebxml X
371 freemarker X X
372 ftpserver X
373 fulcrum X
374 gabriel X
375 gaim X
376 gcc X
377 generama X
378 generic X
379 genjar X
380 genjava-beans X
381 genjava-config X
382 genjava-core X
383 genjava-csv X
384 genjava-find X
385 genjava-gui X
386 genjava-mail X
387 genjava-scrape X
388 genjava-servlet X
389 genjava-tools X
390 genjava-xml X
391 geoserver X
392 geotools X
393 geronimo X
394 ghia X
395 ghostscript X
396 gimp X
397 glassfish X
398 glazedlists X
399 gmapsz X
400 gnu-debugger X
401 gnu-hylafax X
402 gnu-regexp X
403 gnumake X
404 gnupg X
405 gnuplot X
406 grails X
407 graphlayout X
408 greenmail X
409 grizzly-comet X
410 grizzly-cometd X
411 grizzly-http X
412 grizzly-jruby X
413 grlea-log X
414 groovy X X
415 groovy-xmlrpc X
416 gsbase X
417 gsoap X
418 guice X
419 gwt X
420 h2 X
421 hamcrest X
422 hammurapi X
423 help X
424 hermesftp X
425 hermesjms X
426 hessian X
427 hibernate X
428 hibernate-annotations X
429 hibernate-entitymanager X
430 hivemind X
431 howl X
432 hsqldb X X
433 htmlparser X
434 htmlunit X
435 httpclient X
436 httpcomponents-httpcore X
437 httpunit X X
438 ibatis X
439 ical4j X
440 icefaces X
441 icu X
442 idb X
443 imageinfo X
444 imagemagick X
445 informa X
446 innig-util X
447 irclib X
448 isorelax X
449 itext X X
450 itunes-com-podcast X
451 ivory X
452 ivy X
453 izpack X
454 j2ee-connector-arch X
455 j2ee-servlets-api X
456 jackcess X
457 jackrabbit X
458 jacl X X
459 jacob X
460 jacorb X
461 jaimbot X
462 jakarta-regexp X X
463 jalopy X
464 jam X
465 james X
466 jamon X
467 janino X
468 jaranalyzer X
469 jardiff X
470 jarjar X
471 jarsync X
472 jasperreports X X
473 jasypt X
474 java-getopt X
475 java2html X
476 java3d X
477 javacc X X
478 javaconfig X
479 javadbf X
480 javaexchangeconnector X
481 javagroups X
482 javahelp X
483 javainetlocator X
484 javamail X
485 javancss X X
486 javaprintf X
487 javaproj X
488 javaservicewrapper X
489 javassist X
490 javasvn X
491 javatar X
492 javawebparts X
493 jaxb2-commons X
494 jaxen X X
495 jaxme X
496 jaxme2 X
497 jaxp X
498 jazzy X
499 jbehave X
500 jblanket X
501 jboss X
502 jboss-ajax4jsf X
503 jboss-aop X
504 jboss-cache X
505 jboss-jbpm X
506 jboss-profiler X
507 jboss-richfaces X
508 jboss-tools X
509 jboss-transactions X
510 jboss-ws X
511 jcache X
512 jchardet X
513 jcharts X
514 jcifs X
515 jcommon X
516 jconfig X X
517 jcoverage X
518 jcrontab X
519 jcs X
520 jcvsii X
521 jdatabaseimport X
522 jdbi X
523 jdbm X
524 jdepend X
525 jdiff X
526 jdo X X
527 jdom X
528 jdring X
529 jdsl X
530 jedit X
531 jemmy X
532 jempbox X
533 jena X X
534 jencks X
535 jep X
536 jericho X
537 jericho-html X
538 jetm X
539 jets3t X
540 jetspeed X
541 jetspeed-2 X
542 jetty X X
543 jeuclid X
544 jexcelapi X
545 jface X
546 jfacets X
547 jfcunit X
548 jfig X
549 jfree X
550 jfreechart X X
551 jgoodies-animation X X
552 jgoodies-binding X X
553 jgoodies-forms X
554 jgoodies-looks X X
555 jgoodies-plastic X
556 jgoodies-validation X
557 jgraph X
558 jgrapht X
559 jgroups X X
560 jguard X
561 jhighlight X
562 jibx X X
563 jide-oss X
564 jikes X
565 jing X X
566 jini X
567 jintellitype X
568 jipcam X
569 jisp X
570 jldap X
571 jlibdiff X
572 jline X
573 jlmenu X
574 jmdns X
575 jmeter X
576 jmimemagic X
577 jmml X
578 jmock X
579 jmonit X
580 jmorph X
581 jmscts X
582 jmsn X
583 jmx X
584 jmxtools X
585 joda-time X X
586 jodconverter X
587 jostraca X
588 jotm X X
589 jox X
590 jpam X
591 jparsec X
592 jpf X X
593 jpos X
594 jpox X
595 jpox-dbcp X
596 jpox-enhancer X
597 jpox-java5 X
598 jrefactory X
599 jrexx X
600 jrms X X
601 jrobin X
602 jruby-extras X
603 jsap X
604 jsch X
605 jsel X
606 jsel-db X
607 jsftoolkit X
608 json-lib X
609 json-rpc X
610 jsontools X
611 jspapi X
612 jspiff X
613 jsptest X
614 jsr107cache X
615 jstl X
616 jstyle X
617 jt400 X
618 jtb X
619 jtds X
620 jtidy X X
621 jtopen X
622 juel X
623 jug X
624 jung X
625 junit X
626 junit-addons X
627 junit-doclet X
628 junit-toolkit X
629 junit-toolkit-maven-plugin X
630 junitperf X
631 jwebunit X X
632 jxls X
633 jxta X
634 jython X
635 kawa X
636 kerberos-protocol X
637 krysalis X
638 kxml X
639 kxml2 X
640 l2fprod-common X
641 laf-plugin X
642 laf-widget X
643 ldap X
644 ldap-clients X
645 ldap-protocol X
646 ldapd-common X
647 ldapsdk X
648 ldaptemplate X
649 libidn X
650 libsndfile X
651 libxml2 X
652 libxslt X
653 lingo X X
654 locc X X
655 log4cpp X
656 log4j X
657 log4net X
658 log4unit X
659 logback X
660 logkit X
661 loom X
662 lucene X
663 macker X
664 magicgball X
665 mantamq X
666 marmalade X
667 maven X X
668 maven-aptdoc-plugin X
669 maven-dbunit-plugin X
670 maven-fetch X
671 maven-jaxb-plugin X
672 maven-jini-plugin X
673 maven-jstools-plugin X
674 maven-plugins X
675 maven-proxy X
676 maven-taglib X
677 maven-validator X
678 mavenium X
679 maxq X
680 mckoi X
681 mcube X
682 mediawiki X
683 mentawai X
684 merlin X
685 merlin-developer X
686 merlin-tutorial X
687 messadmin-clickstream X
688 messadmin-core X
689 messadmin-jmx X
690 messadmin-serializable X
691 messadmin-servletstatsgatherer X
692 messadmin-sessionkiller X
693 messenger X
694 metaclass X
695 mevenide X
696 microemu X
697 middlegen X X
698 milyn X
699 mingw X
700 mm-mysql X
701 mockcreator X
702 mockejb X
703 mockmaker X
704 mockobjects X
705 mockrunner X
706 mod_jk X
707 mod_python X
708 mod_ssl X
709 modello X
710 modsecurity X
711 mrj X
712 mrtg X
713 mstor X
714 msv X
715 msys X
716 mule X
717 multex X
718 muse X
719 mvn-qalab-plugin X
720 mx4j X
721 myfaces X X
722 myfaces-tobago X
723 myfaces-trinidad X
724 mysql X
725 mysql-connector-java X
726 nagios X
727 nanning X
728 nanocontainer X
729 nanoxml-lite X
730 nant X
731 nbantext X
732 neethi X
733 nekohtml X
734 netbeans X
735 netsnmp X
736 nhibernate X
737 non-codehaus X
738 norbert X
739 nsuml X
740 nunit X
741 objenesis X
742 odmg X
743 ognl X
744 ojb X
745 oness X
746 opencms X
747 opencsv X
748 openejb X
749 openfire X
750 openid4java X
751 openim X
752 openjms X X
753 openldap X
754 opennms X
755 openoffice X X
756 openrdf X
757 openspml X
758 openssh X
759 openssl X
760 opensta X
761 openutils X
762 openwfe X
763 openxri X
764 orangevolt X
765 oro X
766 oscache X
767 oscore X
768 oscube X
769 osgi X
770 ostermillerutils X
771 osuser X
772 osworkflow X
773 oval X
774 p2psockets X
775 p6spy X X
776 pager-taglib X X
777 patterntesting X
778 payload X
779 pcj X
780 pdfbox X
781 pell-multipart X
782 penguin X
783 perl X
784 petals X
785 php X
786 phpbb X
787 phpmyadmin X
788 piccolo X
789 picocontainer X
790 pidgin X
791 pircbot X
792 pjl-comp-filter X
793 plexus X
794 pluto X
795 pmd X
796 pmw X
797 png-encoder X
798 pocketsoap X
799 poi X
800 policy X
801 poolman X
802 portlet X
803 portlet-api X
804 postgresql X
805 postgresql-connector X
806 prevayler X
807 profiler X
808 proguard X
809 propertyset X
810 protomatter X
811 prototype X X
812 proxool X
813 proxytoys X
814 pubscribe X
815 pull-parser X
816 purl-org-content X
817 purl-org-slash X
818 putty X
819 pvcommons X
820 pvcommons-db X
821 python X
822 pyx4me X
823 qalab X
824 qdox X
825 quartz X X
826 quartz-all X
827 quartz-jboss X
828 quartz-oracle X
829 quartz-weblogic X
830 quickserver X
831 quilt X
832 radeox X
833 rails X
834 rcfaces X
835 reference X
836 reflexive X
837 regexp X
838 registry X
839 relaxngdatatype X
840 reportrunner X
841 resin X
842 resultsetmapper X
843 retrotranslator X
844 retroweaver X
845 rhino X X
846 richjtable X
847 rife-continuations X
848 rmock X
849 roller X
850 rome X
851 rss4j X
852 rsslibj X
853 rtftemplate X
854 ruby X
855 rxtx X
856 saaj X
857 sablecc X
858 sakai X
859 samba X
860 sandesha X
861 sandesha2 X
862 sax X X
863 saxon X X
864 saxpath X
865 schema X
866 scout X
867 scraping-engine X
868 scriptaculous X
869 securityfilter X
870 seraph X
871 serp X
872 servicemix X
873 servlet X
874 servletapi X
875 shadesdb X
876 shale X
877 silk X
878 sillyexceptions X
879 simian X
880 simple-jms X
881 simple-jndi X
882 simple-xml X
883 sitemesh X
884 sjsxp X
885 skaringa X
886 skinlf X
887 slf4j X
888 slide X
889 smack X X
890 smackx X
891 snmp X
892 snmp4j X
893 snmporacle X
894 snort X
895 soap X
896 softeu X
897 sonar X X
898 speculoos X
899 speexx X
900 spice X
901 spoon X
902 spring X X
903 spring-ws X
904 springlayout X
905 springmodules X
906 springunit X
907 squirrel-sql-client X
908 sshtools X
909 sslext X X
910 standardista-table-sorting X
911 statcvs X X
912 statsvn X
913 stax X
914 stax-utils X
915 stopwatch X
916 stratum X
917 stripes X
918 struts X
919 struts-menu X
920 struts2 X
921 struts2webflow X
922 strutstestcase X
923 stubout X
924 stxx X
925 subethamail X
926 subpersistence X
927 subversion X
928 suiterunner X
929 sun-jaxb X
930 surefire X
931 svnkit X X
932 swarmcache X
933 sweetxml X
934 sweetxml-ant X
935 swift-model X
936 swift-parser-text X
937 swing-layout X
938 swixml X
939 swt X
940 sysunit X
941 tablelayout X X
942 tada X
943 tagalog X
944 tagishauth X
945 taglibs X
946 tagsoup X
947 tambora X
948 tango-icon-theme X
949 tapestry X
950 tapestry-mock X
951 tcl X
952 tclib X
953 tcpmon X
954 teatrove-beandoc X
955 teatrove-kettle X
956 teatrove-teaservlet X
957 testextensions X
958 testng X
959 textarea X
960 textmining X
961 thunderbird X
962 tiffrenderer X
963 timelinez X
964 tinymce X
965 tinysql X
966 tjdo X
967 tk X
968 tkabber X
969 tlddoc X
970 tobago X
971 tomahawk X
972 tomcat X
973 torque X
974 tortoisecvs X
975 trail-taglib X
976 tranql X
977 transform-swf X
978 trove X
979 turbine X
980 tuscany-das X
981 tuscany-sca X
982 tuscany-sdo X
983 twiki X
984 tyrex X
985 ubique X
986 uddi4j X
987 uispec4j X
988 X
989 umlgraph X
990 unitils X
991 urlrewrite X
992 urlrewritefilter X
993 vafer-jdeb X
994 vafer-jdeb-dep X
995 vdoclet X
996 velocity X
997 velocity-dvsl X
998 velocity-tools X
999 viewvc X
1000 village X
1001 vim X
1002 vraptor X
1003 wadi X
1004 walding X
1005 web X
1006 web services invocation framework (wsif) X
1007 webdav-servlet X
1008 webflow X
1009 weblets X
1010 webmacro X
1011 webtest X
1012 webwork X
1013 webwork-src X
1014 webworkwebflow X
1015 werken X
1016 werken-opt X
1017 werken-xpath X
1018 werkflow X
1019 werkz X
1020 wget X
1021 which X
1022 whirlycache X
1023 wicket X
1024 wincvs X
1025 winmerge X
1026 winscp X
1027 winstone X
1028 wireshark X
1029 wizcrypt X
1030 woodstox X X
1031 wordpress X
1032 wrapper X
1033 ws X
1034 ws-commons-java5 X
1035 ws-commons-util X
1036 ws-scout X
1037 wsdl4j X
1038 wsrf X
1039 wss4j X
1040 wstx X
1041 wstx-api X
1042 wstx-asl X
1043 wstx-lgpl X
1044 wurfl X
1045 wxwidgets X
1046 xalan X
1047 xanot X
1048 xapool X
1049 xbean X
1050 xbean_xpath X
1051 xdoclet X X
1052 xdoclet-plugins X
1053 xdriveunit X
1054 xemacs X
1055 xerces X
1056 xercesjarv X
1057 xfire X
1058 xfire-root X
1059 xindice X
1060 xins X
1061 xjavadoc X
1062 xming X
1063 xml X
1064 xml-apis X
1065 xml-commons X
1066 xml-resolver X
1067 xml-security X
1068 xmlbeans X X
1069 xmlbeans-qname X
1070 xmlbeans-xmlpublic X
1071 xmlbeans-xpath X
1072 xmlc X
1073 xmldb X
1074 xmlenc X
1075 xmlmind-aptconvert X
1076 xmlpublic X
1077 xmlpull X X
1078 xmlrpc X
1079 xmlrpc-helma X
1080 xmlschema X
1081 xmlstringparser X
1082 xmlstubs X
1083 xmlunit X X
1084 xmlwriter X
1085 xom X X
1086 xpl4java X
1087 xpp3 X
1088 xreporter X
1089 xsd X
1090 xsddoc X
1091 xsdlib X
1092 xsocket X
1093 xstream X
1094 xwork X
1095 xwork-spring X
1096 xwork-src X
1097 xwork-tiger X
1098 xwork-tiger-src X
1099 xxl X
1100 yan X
1101 yom X
1102 yui X
1103 zk X
1104 zlib X

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